Beginning a fitness journey is often marked by uncertainty and challenges. In this edition of Transformation Spotlight, we explore the inspiring journey of one individual who found resilience and strength through their partnership with Yes.Fit. Join us as we explore the inspiring transformation of a life reclaimed through movement, motivation, and community support.
Hey there, fellow fitness enthusiasts! I’m Barb and I want to share my personal journey with you – a journey filled with ups, downs, and the transformative power of intentional movement.
Let’s rewind a bit. Picture this: a life filled with sporadic workouts, occasional dips into fitness routines, and a complete aversion to running. That was me, cruising through adulthood with no steady commitment to exercise. Sure, I dabbled in lifting weights and spent time in the pool during my younger years, but nothing stuck. Then, life threw me a curveball – I became a parent.
As any parent knows, your world shifts when you welcome a child into your life. Suddenly, my days were consumed by parenthood, leaving little time for anything else. I stopped working out altogether, indulged in unhealthy eating habits, and found myself sinking into a pit of depression. It was a dark time, with motivation nowhere to be found, except for the love I had for my daughter.
But they say that when you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up. So, I took baby steps towards intentional movement and sought help from a therapist to navigate through my mental health struggles. And then, in the midst of the chaos that was 2020, a glimmer of hope appeared – a persistent ad on Facebook for Yes.Fit’s manatee’s race.
I must have scrolled past that ad countless times, but something about it kept drawing me back. With the world locked down due to the pandemic, traditional gym workouts were out of the question. So, I took a leap of faith and decided to give outdoor running a try. Starting with short run/walk sessions of 1 to 2 miles, I slowly built up my endurance.
Before I knew it, I had completed my first Yes.Fit race, running a 5k or more at a time. Encouraged by my progress, I signed up for another race, and then another. Fast forward to today, and I’ve conquered over 100 races, some alongside my family members. Running has become a cornerstone of my life, with three weekly sessions and even two half marathons under my belt.

But it’s not just about the physical transformation. My approach to nutrition underwent a significant overhaul too. Gone are the days of mindless snacking on the couch. Instead, I focus on nourishing my body with whole, natural foods. While I don’t adhere to any specific diet, I strive to maintain a balanced intake, with hearty salads for lunch and wholesome meals for dinner. Plus, cutting back on alcohol has been a game-changer for me.
Of course, no journey is without its hurdles. Currently sidelined by a foot injury, I find myself yearning for the open road and the freedom of running. But thanks to the supportive community at Yes.Fit and the races lined up in my queue, I know that this setback is only temporary.
In essence, Yes.Fit has been more than just a fitness platform for me – it’s been a lifeline. Running has become my therapy, helping me navigate through the darkest of times and emerge stronger on the other side. To the Yes.Fit family, I say thank you – for your unwavering support, encouragement, and for being a beacon of light on my journey to self-discovery.

So here’s to the transformative power of movement, to finding solace in the rhythm of our footsteps, and to the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Keep moving, keep believing, and remember, the finish line is just the beginning of a new race.