Podcast- Snack Cast

Fasting 101- Snack Cast Episode 13

Good morning. Welcome to today’s snack cast. So today is really kind of fun, interesting, and cool. Kevin started what he aims to be a 72-hour, maybe an 84-hour fast.

See, I’m setting the bar, I started yesterday. 

So when did you start?

About seven o’clock last night.

So you’re about 15-16 hours in. Tell me what you’re doing with this fast. Is it water only? 

Yes, it’s water only and then I’ll have some supplements. Things like potassium supplements which you can buy on Amazon. Sometimes if you start feeling crappy, you can get some chicken broth or beef broth and drink that. But yeah, it’s mainly water only.

Alright, so it’s water only so far? How do you feel?

I feel great right now.

Are you hungry?

No, no, I normally don’t eat breakfast on a regular basis. So around lunchtime when I’m supposed to eat lunch, I will feel it for the first time.

So what will you do? 

There are a ton of things you can do. Meditation comes to mind, meditation or prayer. I mean, that comes right out of the gate. The other thing is work, you become more efficient and stay busy. I may actually go for a walk at lunchtime. Get some miles in, which would be great.

That actually brings up something interesting. How do you alter your output for your exercise? Do you adjust that? Because obviously, over 72 hours, you’ll start running on fumes at some point. How do you modify your workouts? 

That’s a great point. I’ll continue with my normal workout schedule. Typically I do a normal exercise on Monday and Tuesday, then on Wednesday, I take off. So Wednesday would be the end of the fasting for me. I worked out this morning, and I didn’t feel any different whatsoever. Tomorrow would be the day that I would feel maybe a little wishy-washy, where you feel a little energy loss. It can vary. I could actually get an energy boost. Because, as we’ll talk about tomorrow, Human Growth Hormone actually shoots through the roof around that time. My workout may actually be better.

You’re not supposed to talk about that yet. We’ll get to that debate. We’ll get to that tomorrow. So I guess in part, it’s amazing what reserves we actually have when we go, “Oh, I’m starving.” Are you really? The human body is very efficient at allocating energy. It’s even lazy to a point.

It’s already, 5-10 days ahead, and trying to figure out your brain is already playing tricks on you. Are you really hungry? Or are you trying to have a routine? And that brings up a great point, a lot of what we do from an eating perspective is social. That’ll be the hard part. When your family sits down with you at the dinner table and you’re the only one sitting there with them with your glass of water, broth if you’re lucky, chicken broth if it’s a good day.

So if you’re about 12 hours in you’re supposed to start hitting the metabolic state, which is the beginning I guess, of starting to burn ketones. Really pushing into starting to burn fat as an energy source as opposed to burning carbohydrates. 

Fats are more efficient for burning but the brain doesn’t like it right. The brain wants to burn the easy stuff. I equate them to taking out the trash. There’s a bunch of things that you’re doing here, whether it’s 24 or 48, or 72, or 84. It doesn’t really matter. You’re giving your digestive system a break, which is huge! 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract. So you’re giving your digestive system a break, and you’re transitioning your brain function. A lot of people think you’re more efficient, or you’re smarter, you’re quicker on fats, versus the ups and downs of the sugars.

Alright, so tomorrow we’ll pick up and you’ll be moving into that 20 to 30-hour, assuming you’re able to stick with it. We’ll talk about how you feel and connect all three days, maybe four if you feel really bold, but we’ll at least connect three days in a row and follow Kevin through this journey.

And before you get on a regimen like this yourself, speak to your physician or your medical guidance person, whoever that is.

Yes. So not us. That’s the point. Thanks for tuning in. Any ideas send them to snapcast@yes.fit. We look forward to hearing from you. I think we actually have the fishbowl on order. Yes, we’re gonna start populating these ideas in the fishbowl and we’ll go from there. We will see you tomorrow.

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