Podcast- Snack Cast

Local 5Ks, 10Ks, Half Marathons, Should You Do One? – Snack Cast Episode 50

Hey guys, welcome back to snack cast. So today we’re going to start a new series, and we’re kind of excited about it. Kevin is a big fan of local road races. What’s a road race? 5k, 10k, Half Marathon. He’s a big fan. I am too, but not quite like he and his wife, I think they tend to do them a lot more than me, I do a couple. 

So tell me what do you like about the local road race? Showing up? At the starting line? I’m a big fan of community for starters. A lot of the quote-unquote, road races, 5K’s, 10K’s, and halfs are done by local nonprofits. Yeah, or local businesses supporting like the local shoe shop. You get a lot of that, right, the local shoe store partnered with the local charity. It becomes more communal around getting people to get out and get moving. So that’s a big aspect of it. 

I also like that it’s a goal that you’re setting. A lot of people set that up for like, three, four months down the road, I’m gonna do this 5k, and that day is coming, you’re locked in, you’re locked in cash, so you do it right. You paid for that, and you’re going to do it. And barring an injury or an illness, you’re gonna do it. I don’t know what the numbers are, but they’re not as high as everybody might think about the people who don’t show up, I would probably handicap it at 10 to 15% of the people that pay for a road event don’t actually show up at it. It’s motivational, right? I mean, you were just mentioning it, like, have you ever been to a finish line? So early in the company’s history, we were doing some Finish Line photography, long story. I’m not gonna get into it. But I would spend the whole day at a finish line. And yeah, the first 20 people they’re all super skinny, super fast world-class, whatever. But when you see the families come through holding hands together, you see, literally tears and jumping. And it’s very motivational. Yeah, no doubt. And you see the person that trained extremely hard to do. And the people who have what are PRs, their personal record. That entertainment is free, no one charges you to come out and sit at the finish line. And you’ll leave there wanting to thump your chest and go do one.

I would tell you that 100% I was gonna say 90, but 100% of the nonprofits that are out there that put on these events need volunteers too if you are unsure of whether this is for you or not. Go volunteer at one. That’s a great shout. Just handing out water on the course you’re gonna see the person who’s just giving it their all and it’s pretty cool. It is cool. It’s a human spirit episode.

I think a lot of people get caught up in the I’m not a runner. I don’t look like a runner. A ton of people walk these events and or, especially half marathons do a run/walk. You know, you have a lot of five K’s that are walking-type events, every demographic, every body shape, and every age group is out at these events. Absolutely. They’re there and the gun Oh, I love it. The gun goes off and we’re not going to get into too much race day prep, but the gun goes off and you see 20-30 people that are out in front and fighting, fighting. Even people that you know that you’re going to pass five minutes down the road, right? They’re out like a bullet. But that game-day energy is huge. So cool. It is so cool. Even the 10-15 minutes leading up to the gun are pretty cool. Everybody is around. Everybody’s Nice. Everybody’s chatting. Yeah, it’s great. Like, all right, we’re all in this together.

So what are we going to get into next? Are we going to talk about how to train for one? Yep. You know, maybe pre-race prep because there are things you want to do days leading up to it. Whether it’s related to diet or packet pickup or whatever. Tapering. I mean, there are things you don’t go do if you’re doing a 5k tomorrow. You don’t go do a 5k the day before. So there’s stuff we’ll talk about with tapering. And even race day prep, like what to do the day of the race to set yourself up for success. We’ll get into it later. Yep, a ton of that stuff. So this will be kind of cool. Kevin’s got a good bit of experience. I’ve got a little bit, I think the longest race I’ve ever done was a half. And he said he’s never going to do another one. My feet hurt so bad, but that’s okay. That’s the glory in it. Right? Your feet hurt so bad. And then like, I’m never gonna do this again. And then like two days later, what’s the next event I can sign up for? Right? So it is cool. We’re excited to talk to you about it, and share some of the stuff we’ve done. Until tomorrow, keep moving.

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