Podcast- Snack Cast

Money?? Excuses??- Snack Cast Episode 45

Hey, what’s up snack casters? Sup peeps, the dynamic duo is back. I’m Scott and this is Batman, Jared. A dynamic trio. 

Welcome back guys we are on this motivation kick. This really pertains to exercise because we went down the diet realm already. We’re wanting today to kind of talk about my end of excuses. And today’s topic is money. It’s a big excuse because people often say I can’t join the gym, I can’t do this because I don’t have the right equipment or I can’t afford a trainer. You said the other day, that when something is important to me I will find the time and this is no different. I will find the time when it’s important. So when it’s important you’ll find the money right you’ll either find the money. I say that but we’re gonna go into a little switch a roo here and also go down the path that maybe you don’t need money at all. I’m sure our shareholders and Board of Directors will probably not be real happy with that. My wife would disagree with you, the money money money. 

The first thing is, is looking at your internal budget. We always pick on the Starbucks of the world and the cafe latte lifestyle. Mocha latte chino 1400 calorie drink that cost you $8. So when you look into your budget, is it important to you? What’s more important, is it that coffee? Remember all the nonprofit commercials for just one cup of coffee a day. But it’s true. It’s true, right? What they’re trying to say is you got the money look into your budget, and if it’s important to you, you’ll figure it out. If you stopped buying cookies at the store, you stop spending money on empty calories. You can maybe put some of that money into how much do you really need to put into it though? How much is money really a driver versus an excuse? 

Do you need the $135 Brooks sneakers to start walking? No. No, in fact, I will need a gym membership right? My kids all kids do this right? Hey, Dad, I want to join karate and I need the $1,000 of equipment and you would be like, Why don’t you show up for a week and tell me if you like it before I go out and buy that equipment. So the same thing holds true for us right when it comes to fitness. Go out and make sure that you’re gonna hold yourself accountable before you go buy a peloton. Peloton don’t sue.

There’s actually there’s a guy on Twitter, I’d have to look up who he is but his whole thing is advocating barefoot running and walking and there’s some truth to that. I tried to do that once and my feet got blistered in like week one. Yeah, but irregardless, the point is you don’t need the $135 brooks. You can even get away with just well I mean, my gosh, look at what soldiers have to walk in.

Even physical fitness in general. There are YouTube videos that are just using your body weight. I remember one of the most prominent football players in college football history was Herschel Walker. Herschel Walker in his entire college career I believe did not work out with weights. I’ve heard the same. I think he would get up in the morning and do like 1000 squats 1000 push-ups and 1000 sit-ups. And he was strong. Still is. So do you even need to spend the money? I remember in middle school, our gym teacher did not have a PE budget. Do you know what he did? He got a metal bar. He attached the big chock full of nuts cans. Do you remember those? The big coffee cans, he put cement in them and kept them on both sides. And then those were used for bench press or bicep curls. The point is that there are probably things around your house that you can pick up. What does a gallon of water weigh? I have no idea. Eight pounds. Nice. Yeah. So you got eight-pound dumbbells. What does that cost you at the grocery store, can be much right? 

So the point here is that number one you probably do have the budget if you were to go in and look at it. Number two, even if you don’t have the budget don’t let that be an excuse. Number three become accountable before you spend money. Find out if you like it. Now that doesn’t pertain to yes. fit racers. We want you to do all the self-promotion. Next podcast, I think we should go into accountability and we should talk about ways to be accountable. That will keep you motivated. Alright peace out, see you guys tomorrow. Peace.

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