Podcast- Snack Cast

Why 20% don’t ever start or finish a Fitness program?- Snack Cast Episode 42

Hey, what’s up Yes.Fit? We’re back. We’re gonna get away from diets for a little bit. Take a little break.

So we actually had some really interesting information come across our desks and statistically speaking 20% of the people that sign up for a race at Yes.Fit never log a mile. Why do you think that is? Man, you know, so the whole thing we set out to do was try to help people, find a path to move, to get towards healthier lifestyles. 

This was kind of disheartening information. Obviously, there are the usual suspects, which are probably similar to other fitness apps, that is technology. I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to walk mileage. I don’t know how to connect the device. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. So obviously, from our perspective, we want to get better about making it easier. Yeah, eliminate some of the friction. For sure. Because if we’re frustrating someone with the app, we’re not doing our job. Right? That’s a cardinal rule in fitness technology, right? You got a paying user who wants to pay you to do this and improve their life. They go and walk the miles and then it doesn’t work. That’s no, what do you say? No bueno.

So technology, that’s something we could address, we can fix. But I would tell you that, the mad rush that happens at the gym, by the third week of January. It’s not unique to us. I think there is a disconnect between impulse. I feel like getting started, I feel like getting going, I know I need to do this and then there is the impulse purchase that occurs. I don’t mean to hijack your train of thought, but if you keep hitting the desk, Jerry’s gonna come. Oh, yeah. So keep going. So there’s that impulse purchase? Yes. I know I need to do this. Yes. The easiest thing is to throw energy at it aka money and not through the real energy, which is to develop a plan to actually succeed at this. Yeah. Which I think is where I want to go with this whole series’ motivation. Developing a plan probably should be next in line.

Gosh man, my own treadmill became a laundry hamper. Oh, yeah. It’s not unique. No, no, I mean, you had a heavy bag that hung in your garage, Zipit. But it happens. And so why does it happen? The Thigh Master the shake weight. ThighMaster Suzanne? That’s right. From my generation. She was hotter than donut grease. I wish I could think of the song from Three’s Company Yep. Anyways, it’s not unique to us. It’s not unique to fitness. In general, it’s the gyms. If gyms actually had all the people that show up, there wouldn’t be enough room in the gym. Yeah, it’d be unusable. 

So what I want to do over the next few weeks, next few episodes, is dive into what’s in people’s heads. Was this a 2 am purchase on a, you know, infomercial? I was scrolling Facebook or whatever. It’s all Yes. Fit. Boom.

I’m ready to get started on Saturday and then Saturday comes again because that’s unique as well. Right? Diets always start on Monday. Right? Why is that? New Year’s resolutions always start on? Prep, January 1, right? Always. We see trends that the first of the month is bigger for us than the end of the month. Why? What is going through someone’s head that says, I want to have a clean slate versus I made this purchase? I want to start tomorrow regardless of what day it is. That’s when you truly know I think you’re ready. It’s when you’ve developed a plan. You got the plan ready, and it’s Wednesday, and you hit go. It’s hard to do. Oh, I don’t know the psychology behind it but maybe we can get someone to shed some expert light on this. It’s gonna be a cool conversation. We’ll chat through it. 

I think that there are a ton of things that we can get into with accountability and recording and looking back at your progress. And if you signed up for one of our events, and didn’t start it, we will be reaching out. Yeah, we’re going to do a better job. We are going to do a better job both from a technology, hand-holding, and accountability perspective. It’s you who put your faith in us and it’s time for us to return the favor. Yeah. Nice work. Thank you. 

Alright, questions, comments, ideas, criticism or you just want to talk about how ugly Kevin is? How handsome I am. Whatever. Send it to Snackcast@Yes.fit or hit us up on our Facebook group. We appreciate you tuning in. Stay moving.

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