Podcast- Snack Cast

Diets 101 Wrap Up – Snack Cast Episode 41

Welcome back to snack cast, Episode 41. Actually, we got a notification a day ago that we had exceeded 750 downloads. So that’s one download per episode, 40 ish days of work not that I’m excited. That’s actually cool, you know?

Today we are wrapping up diets 101. It’s been a really fun journey doing these shallow dives. We don’t talk about this long enough for deep dives, right? So we’ve talked about vegan, carnivore, paleo, keto,  calorie restriction, and intermittent fasting. We did the funny episode as well. So if you had to choose one, I think first is the one you live by.

Intermittent fasting, I would tell you I do intermittent fasting every day, every night on a regular basis. I don’t even count it as fasting anymore or intermittent even. Not even a diet. I never eat breakfast. I try to stop eating at eight o’clock at night. So that’s a very long time, you’re 16/8. Easy. And then I couple that with trying to avoid carbs as much as possible. I get a cheeseburger and I won’t eat the bun. I, it’s not just the bread, it’s really the gluten that I’m trying to avoid. So a lot of carbs go out with that not all carbs. So I’m on a lower carb, intermittent fasting diet.

Yeah, I think I do about the same. I never eat breakfast. Try not to eat until noon. And to your point, I tried to be done generally seven, eight o’clock. I want to be done consuming calories. We had a colleague here that did one meal a day. He did phenomenal and lost a ton of weight. I think he was down 120 pounds at one point. I know he was thin when he worked here. But yeah, I think I do the intermittent fasting just because it’s more of a lifestyle than I’m trying to diet or lose weight. You don’t even feel it. I guess that maybe that’s the secret to diets, right as you were, you gotta find something that you’re going to stick to. That is not painful. And then if you have a binge day, if you go out for a big breakfast somewhere, that’s okay. Don’t do it 27 days in a row. Right. Like you had one. That’s, I think the single biggest factor is finding something you’re going to stick with. You’re human, If you mess up, get back on track.

I would encourage people that probably one of the easiest things to do is really carb awareness. I think people equate sugar with, I didn’t have any soda, or I didn’t have dessert. But sugars are our carbs, and carbs are in tons of stuff that we eat. I think if you’ll just take the time to learn. Oh my gosh, I didn’t know ketchup. Ketchup is loaded with sugar. I thought it was supposed to be clean. Right? And today’s commercialized ketchup. You’re right. I think that there are mild choices that you can have. You can eat the cheeseburger without the bun, or go for the salad at Chili’s versus the chips and salsa. I think people make dieting out to be harder than it is. The other thing is, I don’t ever think that we were meant to eat three square meals a day and two snacks and all the sodas and crap that we eat now. It’s the commercialization of food. And it’s not very western.

If I had to say one thing, I like keto. For me, it’s intermittent fasting and keto. I think those two kind of combined. I think if  I’m in a place where I feel like I need to lose weight, I’ll go on heavy carb restriction. Again, I really think a general awareness for most people, simple choices, can really over time have a fairly profound effect. 

I think that’s why calorie restriction is kind of difficult. We talked about how it requires a ton of measurement, right? You have a scale, and you’re at your home, measuring your food, it’s really difficult, and small amounts of foods can be action-packed with calories, into that same point on the carbs. If you’re not aware of the carbs you’re meals will be calorie packed. So it’s hard to have a satiating meal. I hate that word. I don’t know why. A satisfying meal is carb-heavy, right? Because your portioned amounts under a calorie-restricted diet are going to be very small versus eating proteins.

 This has been fun, I really kind of enjoyed it. I learned a little bit. Yeah, me too. Alright, thank you guys for tuning in. Ideas, concepts, or criticisms, email them to us at snackcast@yes.fit. We really appreciate you guys. Peace. Stay moving. 

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