Podcast- Snack Cast

Keto Diet 101-Snack Cast Episode 39

Hey, welcome back. We are talking today about keto-ketogenic diets. Episode 4992 of our diet series. Not really. Now we’re getting close to wrapping it up. So today we’re talking ketogenic diet, one of my favorites. I’m gonna put you on the spot, Scott Parker, what is a ketogenic diet? Simple definition, low carb, high fat.

Okay. What are the benefits of a ketogenic diet? Well, it’s really interesting because science is barely scratching the surface on this we know that it can affect weight loss, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and epilepsy. It’s having researchers demonstrating that the ketogenic diet has profound effects. We actually, you actually did a podcast, a deep dive with one of the top researchers. in the view of top researchers, Dom D’Agostino, shout out to you. Dom, we will put his Twitter up here so that you guys can all check him out for yourself.

Cancer markers are also a really interesting area of study with regard to the ketogenic diet because I think it goes back to inflammation. Is that correct? I think inflammation, I also think that cancer cells are, I forget Dom’s professional word for it, but they only feed on one thing, and it’s sugar. That’s right. Are they primarily on sugar? Primarily? Yeah. So yeah that’s a great angle. A lot of our users of Yes, fit are probably interested in the weight loss benefits of the ketogenic diet. Can you elaborate on that process at all? And what kind of goes down?

Well, the human body is unique in that it can burn two different types of fuel. Most organisms don’t do that. We’re capable of burning fat or burning carbohydrates. When you limit the carbohydrates, you force the body to start burning fats, which, again, it doesn’t like to do. It wants to take the easy route. It’s a little more difficult to burn fats. When you do burn fats by limiting carbs, a couple of things happen. The brain likes it more. Dom If I am doing you an injustice here, don’t hate on me. We’re just nowhere near the expert level. But yeah, it’s pretty remarkable things happen in the body. And of course, when the body is forced to start feeding on fat, that’s kind of where the weight loss comes in. Most of us hold, you know, around the midsection or in the backside. It literally starts feeding on those fat reservoirs. Is that the right word? I would go with reservoirs. 

So if you were going to explore the ketogenic diet, What might your breakfast, lunch, and dinner look like? Meat, meat, a lot of meat. Just stay off the sugar stay off the carbs. Some nuts are much better than others. Right? But yeah, nuts. Beans, a lot of people think beans are healthy. I’m not saying they’re not healthy, but they’re probably not proper on a ketogenic diet because of their carbs. I forget that it’s like 30 grams of carbs in a can. I think most ketogenic diets recommend that you stay below 30 grams of carbs a day. Which, if you’re eating healthy, a lot of those carbs are going to come from fibrous vegetables. So vegetables, proteins, and fats, a lot of butter, a lot of natural fat, a lot of natural oils.

So very similar to the South Beach diet, right? South Beach diet has a pronounced number of proteins. Not familiar with South Beach. It’s very close to the ketogenic diet. I think that the one difference is it allows a certain number of carbs. Unlike the ketogenic which is very low in carbohydrates. I know the South Beach diet allows a little more carbohydrates. So they’re very, very similar in nature. Everybody talks about weight loss with regard to a ketogenic diet. That is it has a dramatic effect. The other side of that coin is number one that people will think right out of the gate. If I eat a lot of meat, I will increase my cholesterol level. One of the things we encourage you to do, number one talk to your doctor about it. But number two, cholesterol is in the early stages of what we know. I know it’s like 100 years old, but we don’t know enough about it and how it affects heart disease or anything else. The HDL and LDL, you know, they say good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, I would tell you all cholesterol is fairly good. As long as it corresponds to your body if that makes sense. They say HDL is the good cholesterol and the LDL is the bad cholesterol. Sure. But my point is, don’t just be alarmed, I guess, know the information. When you get a lot of doctors who don’t even know the information. We’re going to talk about. You went through that, you had high cholesterol levels, and they automatically wanted to put you on a statin Right? Like, hey, whoa, you know what, there’s a reason right? My point is, listen to somebody like listen to some of the key people and the researchers before you just go, Oh, this is not good for me.

If we can close out with I believe it was Dr. Dom who told you the definition of a vegetable or what a vegetable was to be used for. Zero recall? Yes. Vegetables are fat delivery mechanisms. Soak them in butter, baby. Yep. If you have brussel sprouts, throw the bacon grease on top of them. s. And that’s a good vegetable? Yeah.

So anyways, that’s kind of a shallow dive on ketogenic, we would definitely recommend looking up Dr. Dom. He’s a fantastic researcher. He was on Joe Rogan as well. He spent about an hour and a half on Joe Rogan. I think it was very good. You gotta listen to that. So we’ll link to all of that stuff. But that’s it’s. Keep moving.

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