Podcast- Snack Cast

Rest Day – Episode 17

Hey everybody, Scott here with a special guest on today’s snack cast. This is Dimitri. He is our fitness director here at YF Active. He curates a lot of our content, and looks for talent, among other things. Tell us a little more, Dimitri.

Hey everyone. The way I would sum it up is that I am important to you all because I bring you the best content possible. So without me, Scott wouldn’t even be here. 

That’s right. That makes Dimitri the boss. If you do know any really good trainers that might want to work with Yes.Fit, this is the guy to contact at dimitri.lindsey@yes.fit. Today we brought Dimitri on specifically because we’re going to talk about rest days: What are they? Are they important? How do you coordinate them? When do you schedule them? Let’s start with what is a rest day.

When you think about rest days, you want to think mentally, physically, and spiritually, what does that mean to rest? So mentally, it’s really not being anxious about the next move, not trying to take control of everything. So how do you put your mind to rest? A lot of people, refrain from active work, whether it’s their job or their sport, whatever they’re doing. They might do a crossword puzzle or read the dictionary, just to throw their minds off. That’s actively resting their minds. As far as physical, I would say, a lot of people like to sleep or go to the pool, go to the beach, enjoy time with their family, go for a nice walk, it doesn’t have to be, I’m just sitting down or sitting in the house, it could be simply, I’m usually at a 10, I’m going to take it to two. And then spiritually is completely letting go of control and trusting God in whatever process you’re going through. 

So if I’m hearing you correctly, rest days are much more than just taking off from physical activity, it’s focusing on a kind of complete wellness if you will. Many times when we just physically lie down and then we don’t feel rested the next day. And that’s because we didn’t mentally take a break as well. So let’s break this down by discipline, I’m guessing rest for someone who lifts heavy versus someone who does a lot of cardio versus a runner or a walker may look different. Is there any blanket advice? Is it listening to your body? Is it always take Wednesday off? How do you go about figuring out when to rest? I think listening to your body is definitely a good pointer. Another tip would be to set a schedule, so you don’t feel overwhelmed, for example, work out 3 days in a row then take a day off even if you don’t feel like you need to rest so that you don’t get to that overwhelming feeling of burnout. Yeah, that’s hard to come back from. So when do you rest? I typically like to rest Wednesdays and Sundays. I like to spiritually and mentally rest on Wednesdays and physically rest on Sundays. So no lifting or running, No, no running, just relaxing, spending time with the family, my wife. 

Do you mix in any nutrition with your rest day? Eat differently or eat as normal? If I think about it, then I’m not resting.

Well, that was deep.

Thank you Dimitri for coming on. He’s a wealth of knowledge. Not only has the experience but also the education. We love him as a team member. And remember any ideas you got for us, send us an email to snackcast@yes.fit. 

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