We’ve covered the magic pill and ignored the fundamentals. We kind of left it wanting to talk about some experiences we both either have had ourselves or that we’ve known about from others. So why don’t you go first?
There are really a couple of areas that have helped me specifically with cholesterol and the statins I talked about yesterday. One that was particularly interesting to me was that I was on two different medications. One was obviously Nexium for acid reflux. Reducing the amount of food, lowering carbohydrates, and fasting periodically, allowed me to come completely off the Nexium. Occasionally I’ll do an Alka Seltzer or something like that, if I have heartburn, we all do. But now I don’t have the regular everyday acid reflux in the middle of the night, not letting me sleep. The other drug I just thought about was actually a drug called singular for nasal congestion and all that type of stuff when I had allergies, but I don’t have that anymore, either. Again, the reduction of sugars, reduction of carbohydrates, bread, etc really helped with that.
We both have several of these stories. It could very well go past five minutes.
I think one of the coolest stories I’ve got is from my direct neighbor right across the street. His name is Kenny. We’ve been neighbors for about 18 years now. A few years ago, he was diagnosed as a diabetic. When he tells me about this, remember I have a kid with diabetes, he is wanting me to educate him. “Dude, you know, educate me, tell me what I don’t know.” So we had a conversation and long story short, he started moving his body and altered his diet. His doctor wanted him on insulin but to this day, years later, no insulin, and no pills. He totally got it under control. That’s because again, he focused on those three fundamentals.
I mean, there are people who have recommended knee replacement surgery because of the pain that they suffer. Reducing weight can significantly help with that. There are so many others like cancers, migraines, and allergies, as I’ve discussed, ADHD has a direct connection to gluten. And again, carbohydrates. Gluten is a big one I plan on doing, we’ll do a whole episode on gluten. I think that will be one that will be fun and interesting.
Let me throw another one at you though. It’s really kind of maybe a little spiritual, but it’s the placebo effect. How does the placebo effect play into this whole thing? Like, I believe that I’m fixed. Or I’m going to take a pill. There was a study in 1980, The Neuros, John Lavon, I believe it was his name. He was a neuroscientist that gave two subsets of patients half of them morphine for their pain, and the other half he gave saline. They both claimed a dramatic reduction in pain.
I’m glad you explained because I was educated in the public school system, and I was gonna have to look up placebo. But I do think, the human mind is very powerful. I don’t think that we give it enough credit.
In fact, I think we often suppress it, ignore it, and we seek these other solutions. But that goes in line with what we’re saying, is like seek out and believe that you’re going to conquer whatever it is that you’re facing, and you got a darn good shot in doing it kind of the whole point of the snap cast, in general, is simply to encourage people to do homework, go read, find out for yourself. To wrap up on that note, there were really two movies that changed my mind about this whole thing. The magic pill was one and then Supersize Me was the story of the guy who ate Big Macs for a long time and then there’s a book that’s out you can get on audiobook called the Big Fat surprise and it will really outline the story of fats in meats versus sugars and everything else.
We go back to the food pyramid. That book will flip it on its head for you.
Remember folks, we love your feedback. We want to know your ideas about what we should talk about next. Email us at snackcast@yes.fit. Stay moving. Move, eat right, and sleep!