Podcast- Snack Cast

Fasting 104- Snack Cast Episode 16

This is the last of four episodes revolving around a 72-hour fast that you ended last night at seven. Did you make it?

Yeah, I made it all the way. You didn’t cheat? Nope.

So you made it 72 hours. That’s great! Let’s start with how you feel.

I feel great this morning. I normally don’t eat breakfast and I actually got up and ate breakfast, and I ate last night. I ate to the point where I was satiated. I felt good. I didn’t overdo it. Tacos? I had a little taco salad and even some corn chips. There’s something to that. It’s real food but not a bunch of bread.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but corn chips do not have gluten. No, they do not. So yeah, so it was a fairly natural meal. Do flour tortillas have gluten? Yes, but I did not have flour tortillas. So overall I did pretty good.

So you refeeded with tacos and you had breakfast. Let’s talk about the effects on your body. I think you mentioned you were, around 188 lbs when we started out. I was about 187 when I started and I finished around 181 and change. That’s six and a half pounds. Yeah, six and a half pounds. Again, I don’t do it for weight loss. Sure. It’s, gonna come right back in three, four days, I’ll be right back at 187 188. So that’s not, the reason you do it? As I said, it’s the purging of all the garbage.

 Not to get gross or intrusive. But people want to know about bowel movements. It’s to reshape, it takes time to get it going again. I don’t know how other people do it. But, you know, gassing out the kids on the way to school, right? Yeah. No, it’ll take it working out. I did work out this morning. No joking around, I guess. At what point did the bowel movements kind of stop during the fast, day one? I would say right around the 40-hour mark. There’s just nothing left. And it’s fluid. It’s gone.

Now there are some people that you know, have slow digestive processes, and it might take 50-60 hours. I hear other things, like, people doing a cleanse at the same time. I can’t imagine that. But now. I’m like, ooh.

Maybe we’ll schedule another one of these? I know you try and do it quarterly. Maybe with that one, we can do bloodwork before and after even just a basic panel down at bio lab or whatever, that’d be pretty cool. See what medical or scientific changes there are. I would enjoy that. I imagine your cholesterol is really high right now. Oh, I’m sure. That’s happened before. I think I’d mentioned that. After a 72-hour fast, I visited a doctor and they wanted to put me on statins because my cholesterol was so high. 

The 72-hour fast is one thing. So there are all kinds of fasting and you don’t have to go to this extreme or you can go 24 and then inch your way up to 36 or 40. But there’s intermittent fasting, which I like. That’s 18 Six and it’s a lifestyle, for the most part. So the 18 Six is 18 hours off and six hours on eating what you want. Basically, you’re eating a noon lunch, and then dinner at 6 pm. Then it’s water or black coffee. Zero calories. A lot of people don’t connect that it’s not a meal. It’s just a coffee from Starbucks. Well, your 750 Calorie triple chocolate mocha latte often has more calories than a value meal number one at McDonald’s.

There is also the day on day off fast. In the documentary, Magic Pill they talked about this fast. He literally ate anything. The clinician that he was with was taking him to hotdog stands for lunch and double cheeseburgers for dinner. But then the next day, he would eat nothing. So that’s a really interesting one. I’ve never really done that one. Then there’s the five two, that’s popular as well. It’s five days of eating what you want. And taking two days off. And then there are all types of just eliminating carbs. 

I think it goes back to your basic goals. If you want a calorie restriction do the 18 Six or the day on day off. If you want to replenish your stem cells and get your HGH back up, re-cleanse your immune system then probably the 72-hour fast. Any of them reduce the burden that we put on our digestive gastro system. Yeah. No more all day, every day, and 70% of your immune system.

All right, we did run long. Sorry, we had to catch up on the end of the fasting ideas and topics. Email us at snackcast@yes.fit. And we will see you guys tomorrow. Keep moving

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