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The Warm-Up: Best Use Of Time or Waste Of Time?

The Warm-Up: Best Use Of Time or Waste Of Time?-blog-image

Do you ever have a difficult time achieving mental focus or feel yourself moving slower than normal?

Maybe you find yourself walking out of the door straight into a run and your heart rate jumps through the roof on what should be an “easy” run or walk on your Yes.Fit App run challenge. Yikes! It’s no fun to run while your heart feels like it’s beating right out of your chest. The good news is that’s not how running is supposed to feel.

Heart rate is a great metric to measure the amount of work or stress that your body goes through when exercising or running. People often skip the warm-up, thinking it will save them time and get them right into the workout… but what you will find is quite the opposite. Instead of crushing your workout, you’ll find that you spend the first 10-15 min of your sport or activity trying to get your body and mind ready to perform, dragging through the first half of your workout.

So How Does The Warm-Up Help Your Workout?

Ideally, the warm-up is designed to raise your body temperature and increase blood flow to the body and muscles. As you move, heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, and capillaries expand thus moving more volume of blood through the body.

If you have ever sprinted from a standstill, you will notice you will get tired sooner than you anticipated, and you might start to feel blood throbbing behind your eyes or hear your heart pounding in your ears. This is your body’s response to the sudden workload and its subsequent effort to catch up.

Your body is always fluctuating and regulating itself to meet the demands of each day. The warm-up is a great way to improve mental acuity, joint mobility, and prevent injuries. It primes not only your muscles but your nervous system as well. A good runner or athlete understands the importance of heart rate variability and how a good warm up can help performance by priming their muscles and their nervous system.

What is a proper warm up ?

A proper warm-up routine should be performed prior to activity to prepare the body for the demands of a workout. Dynamic movements are the best way to prepare your body for the sport you are about to play.

Some principles you want to look for when picking a new warm up routine include:

Your warm-up should be long enough to raise your core temperature but should be limited to 4-10 minutes so it does not become taxing on your energy levels. The idea is that it should help bridge the gap between your resting heart rate and your targeted heart rate— It’s not a good thing to be going from 50 bpm to 175 bpm in <60 sec.

What Does A Warm-Up Look Like For A Runner ?

As the specificity of the sport increases, so should the activity in the warm-up. Sprinkling in hip mobility in addition to core activation will be important for the average runner to feel engaged and ready to run/race.

Here is a dynamic warm up specifically geared towards runners.

Leg Swings

Try 10 reps per leg

Try 20 reps per leg

Perform 4-6 repetitions each side

Perform 5-10 repetitions each side


The key is to engage the muscle fibers as you complete the workouts to get the most out of this routine. If your warm-up meets this criteria, you will be able to step out onto your next run ready to crush your goals.

Don’t believe me? Try it out for yourself!

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