Podcast- Snack Cast

Real life, Set backs, Staying on track. Snack Cast Episode 57

Welcome back to snack cast, everybody. So today, we’re going to talk about real life and what it means to try and maintain a fitness, I don’t want to call it regimen but a lifestyle. 

So this is a true story, Kevin. Yeah. What happened this weekend? Was there a special music event? Yes. We went to a country music concert, on Saturday at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. Good? It was great. We had a good time. So, I was talking with Scott earlier today. And I’m like, I’m not at optimum energy right now. Still feeling a little bit of reaping the rewards for my pleasures this weekend. It’s great, though. Right? I mean, that is, it is real life. Right. You knew going into it that Saturday was not going to be a day other than taking a break. Hanging out and having fun and quality time with the wife. Concert food, alcohol, too much alcohol. So you had fun? And that’s cool. But you meant to do it? Yeah. Now, my wife was a smart one she actually exercised before we left. But I did not do that. So Saturday morning, she got up and wanted to go run for a little bit, and then you think I’ll probably be more tired at the end. 

But you know, today is all about setbacks. You know, going into it, you’re gonna have some setbacks and there are a multitude of setbacks. Alcohol can be a setback, binge eating, or stress eating. Well, in your situation, your situation was known. But still setbacks, all the ones we don’t control. You get a call from the principal at school, your kids being an a hole and it blows up your whole afternoon, right? You got to deal with that and you got to deal with the stress. 

I think we can do a little mini-series here on all of the various setbacks that you can have. We can go into the first one. What does alcohol do? Alcohol right out of the gate, obviously, it impairs your judgments and impairs your, you know, I call it unplugging. There are lots of healthier ways to unplug than to enjoy a few beers or a few drinks or whatnot. Yeah, but this is real life. The downside is, as you get older, it takes your body a lot longer to process alcohol and get rid of it. What’s the old saying if you’re going to do the crime you gotta do the time. And sure enough, I was up at 4:20 this morning, not wanting to be up at 4:20 this morning to hit the gym. I bet that was brutal. It was brutal. When your heart rate is at 145 and you’re sweating alcohol out of your pores, it doesn’t make you feel good. Now, I feel a lot better at almost noon today than I did this morning. So I would probably encourage you, you know, obviously you don’t want to go hop on a treadmill when not of sound mind and body but the moment that you can get out there and get that exercise and start to feel a little better. It’s like alright, let’s get back on the train right now. Tonight will be a better night’s sleep right but I probably won’t be in really good shape till probably Wednesday. Saturday night, you did a hotel, right? Yeah, we did. So you probably slept through the night but it probably wasn’t high quality. Oh, it was horrible. My wife reminded me of that Sunday morning when she said I sounded like a freight train coming through. That’s not quality sleep, you definitely have sleep apnea going on and you’re not getting good oxygen. You’re not getting good recovery. You’re not getting good sleep. I imagine you were probably still exhausted last night. I was exhausted. I had a better night’s sleep but I don’t think I got to bed till like 9:30-10:00. Now that’s early for most of you people out there. I’m normally in bed at 8:30 and up at 4:30. It was worth it, though. Yeah, memories are fantastic. I’m not saying that you got to be a straight arrow all the time and you can’t deviate from the plan. How fast can you get on and recover?

You mentioned making this a little mini-series of sorts. So we’ll talk about various setbacks, how easily they can crop up, how maybe to manage them, not that you and I are experts at that, but we’re no spring chickens, we’ve seen a lot. And then maybe, I guess the implications of those setbacks. I’m visualizing a snowball that it can get away from you real fast. So we’ll kind of dive into that. This is a  marathon, not a sprint? You have to understand that this whole process of like, alright, I did the crime. And now I feel better because I got up on Monday morning and worked out at five o’clock in the morning when I didn’t want to do it. I mean, it was miserable. So the snowball, it’s kind of teetering and you shoved it a little bit in the right direction. Yep. It’ll take two or three days to keep shoving it in the right direction, and I’ll be back.

You made a conscious choice within your control that I’m going to blow up a few days in the name of fun, and I’m gonna love it. And that’s awesome. And I encourage everyone out there to do it in your own way, whatever that way is. But the setbacks are not just the ones we choose, that’s all over the place. How do you manage them? And how do you shove that snowball in the right direction so it doesn’t go off the cliff? 

Cool. Nice story. So who did you see in concert? You didn’t tell the audience? Oh, it was a Kenny Chesney concert. Those are a lot of fun, I remember the one we went to with you a few years ago. Yeah, Kenny puts on a good show.

Thanks for tuning in. Questions, comments, or concerns email us at Snackcast@yes.fit. Stay moving.

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