Podcast- Snack Cast

Earth Day – Healing Power of Nature – Snack Cast Episode 55

Hey, welcome back to snack cast. So today is kind of a cool day. Yeah. Earth Day. Jerry and Juan have to do their magic to get this thing out into the ether but that probably won’t happen for like a day or two. Right? But today is Earth Day and we’re going to talk about how the Earth can help the body in a ton of ways.

Yeah, it will. We’ll poke the bear a little bit in a minute. But let’s start with grounding or earthing. Have you ever heard about that? I have. Tell the audience what it is. Well, why would you do that? Well, I’ll tell you a quick story. My kids and I were out in a local park and we came across this dude. He literally had nothing on except for cut-off jean shorts, and a big hat. We made small talk with this guy. He’s kind of strange, a little different. He was probably snorting the earth a salt of the earth kind of guy. He was out there barefoot. And this is a park-like Woods Park. Snakes, there’s all kinds of stuff out there. And he’s barefoot. And I’m like, Dude, what is this, and he talked about the energy that he receives from Mother Earth, walking around barefoot, and that we all should be doing more of it.

This sounds very woo-woo. But it’s not actually they’re starting to do a lot of different studies on it. And it has something to do with literally the grounding, the electrical charge in your body being grounded to Mother Earth, and they say that it can help with inflammation, cardiovascular disease, pain, and certainly your mood. Right. So that’s grounding, earthing. There’s also like, literally gardening or digging in the soil with your bare hands. Don’t use gloves or anything. There are tons of vitamins and minerals in the earth when you’re digging in the soil that are absolutely beneficial to you. And it’s something that we should go back to on a regular basis. There’s even stuff in the soil that on its own, we might consider negative, but that actually leads to boosting your immune system. Compared to anything else you have to invest in and make it grow. Whether it’s lifting weights, cardio training, or whatever. 

Gosh, we’ll jump on the COVID bandwagon real quick. Right? What did they do? They told us all to lock ourselves in. Don’t go to the beach because that’s gonna be bad for you and gathering in public places. Let me tell you sunlight, and that’s our next one. Sunlight is good for you. Well, the point I was getting at was sheltering the immune. Oh, yeah. And now what we’re seeing is dramatic rises in fluids that we haven’t seen in the last three, four years. We’re seeing a rise and bacterial infections. I mean, it is insane how busy the ER’s are now, now that COVID is over. Like any training, we suppress our immune, right? We tried to isolate and you can’t isolate. So all right off the soapbox onto your side sunlight, vitamin D. Big for the immune system big for mood again, you’re starting to see a theme. Big for weight loss, arthritis, blood pressure, and general health. Yeah, so just go out. Get some sunlight. And you know, I’ve never been a big sunscreen fan. I know other people are and I’ll get a lot of ridicule for that. But just not, put on a shirt, wear a hat, do whatever when you start getting too much sun that’s my point of view. Fresh air again, helps you clear the lungs. People don’t realize, what we are recycling in this building. Oh yeah, all the dust mites. Have you ever heard one fart? Oh sorry, one gastric recoil. But you’re right. The air in this building stays contained in this building and it circulates through the filter. That’s what you breathe into your lungs. It’s been proven that the oxygen outside is higher than the oxygen level inside and that’s good for your tissues. It’s good for you, just digestion and a myriad of other healing tissues.

Mother Earth. Yes. Get outside. And that’s part of the problem, right? Why the Flu rates are up in winter months? It’s too cold to be outside. Right? Nobody wants to be outside, they’re not getting vitamin D. They’re not doing all these other things. They lock themselves in. Is there any analysis of that season going up? I’m truly asking, is there any analysis of general wellness in northern states versus southern states or climates or whatever? I’d like to see that. There’s probably a ton of other factors age, you know, diet, all these other things that you’d have to account for. But no, that’s why the cold and flu season is historically considered. When did the flu have What was it in 1912? The major flu that we had not the Spanish, the Spanish flu was like 1920. When did it end? It ended in the spring. We saw that with COVID. The numbers dropped dramatically in the summertime. Well, why is that? It’s common sense. I don’t know if there have been dramatic studies, but that’s common sense. Get outside.

Enjoy, Mother Earth. And it’s springtime. What a great time to get out. Well, we do live in Florida. It was like 37 degrees the other night in Chicago. Okay, but it’s better than the minus 10 it was two days ago. Sure. I agree. Get outside, take off your shoes, walk around barefoot look for nails and stuff. Go to the beach if you can. Well, I guess we’re in Florida, right the Laguna Beach. Take off your shoes and play with your dog. Go dig in the dirt, it’s a great time to plant a garden right? Pretty much everywhere in the United States. Great point, I’m down to plant a garden right now. It is all right. Not to mention the garden helps better Mother Earth. I think we actually launched an Earth Day race. Yes, we did today. So hopefully you will enjoy that. That’s all for today. Get outside and stay moving

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