Podcast- Snack Cast

Accountability Partner – Snack Cast Episode 48

Welcome back, guys, we are still on the accountability thread. And today, we want to talk about having an accountability buddy. Huge, huge, huge accountability buddies are huge. Maybe a game-breaker. It is right? Yep.

So we’re gonna come at you with a couple of nuggets of information this morning. Kevin’s actually very knowledgeable about accountability buddies and that kind of thing. So Kevin, first thing first, I would think you got to find the right person. Yes. Why does that matter? Because there’s that obstacle or not an obstacle, but the aspect of you don’t want to let that person down. It’s such a weird mental dynamic. You don’t want to let your partner down but you’re okay with letting yourself down. Right? You don’t want to let that other person down. Whether you’re meeting that person at the gym, you’re meeting that person at the track, you’re meeting that person online. So maybe not somebody really close to you that will blow smoke up your. Yeah, you don’t want that. That’s why trainers do so well. You know the trainer is going to meet you at the gym at five o’clock. You better be there. And the champion trainer shows up and you don’t it’s there’s some element of that. That person who you don’t know or know loosely is not going to take your bowl from you. Like, I didn’t have time again this week. Yeah, yeah whatever. All right, let’s get back on it. There’s a reason we’re talking about the right partner and accountability. There’s a reason why major programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and or Weight Watchers, have accountability partners that call you on random days, just to check in with you and see how you’re doing.

You bring up the next point. So how do you communicate with this person? Are there regular required check-ins? Yeah, I would think so. If it’s gonna be an online partner like you’re following somebody on Yes.Fit. Or you’re reaching out to them, I would absolutely define, hey, I want you to call me or talk to me or message me or email me specific days, number of days a week. And I have to be required to show you around, you can do it in our app, right, you can follow each other inside the app, and it shows you what their exercises were, and whether they were actually exercising so that you can call them out.

So what are you checking in? Oh, showing up is 90% of the battle. Right. So like, Did you intentionally exercise today? And again, it depends on the goal, you can do a grant to anybody for diet. So you need to define them on the front end of the relationship. Yeah, I think clearly defining the relationship and clearly defining what your goals are is important/

That was a nice segue there. I think the next thing is defining the goal, and making it crystal clear to both parties. I don’t know if it’s to get into a regular movement schedule, to lose weight, to gain weight to lift on certain days, whatever it is, it’s got to be crystal clear. So let me flip it back on you. You’re an avid walker/runner. And I would tell you what? What would make you move? If I was your accountability partner? What are the things that you’re looking for? What are the secrets that you’re teaching me about? Scott? That I got to know what Scott’s weaknesses are. That’s actually pretty deep. You know, that you communicate, I guess, at some level. This almost is what you’re going to need to watch out for from me. I will blow smoke in this fashion to you. And this is the point that I will fail you. You have to look after me. And you have to call me out. I guess. I’ve never been to AA but I imagine that’s what they do. Right. Well, you know, I think the technical name is their sponsor. Yeah, it’s the sponsor. So you find the right person. You agree to require check-ins, you agree what you’re checking in about, that I got my workout in or I did not eat that food or whatever. Right? You clearly define the goal. I believe this. I don’t know if there’s data to back it up. But I think you need to do it with a clearly defined ending.

I would agree with you. I agree with you because if it’s not then I got to switch accountability buddies. It’s more along the lines. Have we gone at it hard for this period of time and then when I sat? Right well, I think the military would have they call it an AR or action review. That it allows you to take that break to look at okay, this is when we said we check in these were the goals. How good were we at, how do we improve, take two weeks off? Our development team what do you call it? Sprints? Yeah, that’s a great point. You go four weeks sprint and then you’re off to check it all out and see how you did and it doesn’t mean you’re done. So if you did a four-week sprint in the exercise world, and then you wondered, I never thought about how development sprints correlate to accountability buddies. But I mean, they were huge. It’s huge to find the goal on the front end, you have daily check-ins, you close it out at a specific time. And then you do an after-action review, to see how you did. Right. And you measure did we get everything done that we’d said that we were gonna get done. And then you define the next sprint based on? I love it. I never thought about it that way. Awesome. Eye-opening. 

So that’s basic pointers to an accountability buddy, there’s tons of reading that you can go do on it. There are even some apps, I don’t have one I specifically recommend, I don’t know that any of them have really scratched that itch. I think a simple, spreadsheet shared between two friends, can work very well. But do your own deep dive, and do some research. If I did tell you there was one factor that probably creates the most sustained success, I think it’s being accountable to someone that won’t blow smoke.

I think it’s imperative that we have software inside Yes.Fit. We’ve defined it. We’re working on getting it into our development schedule. Hopefully, be able to scratch that itch one day soon. Alright, guys, that’s all for today. Keep moving.

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