Podcast- Snack Cast

The tomorrow trap, I’ll start tomorrow, but will you?- Snack Cast Episode 43

Welcome back, everybody. Yep. I know it’s April. But it’s not April Fool’s Kevin. And I actually did not coordinate the shirts on purpose. So better. We’ll take votes. Now I don’t want to lose. 

Today we are talking about the Tomorrow trap. Why do people say I’ll get started on x. And you have the January effect, right? The New Year effect: new year new me. We see an uptick every new month, the first part of every month, and an uptick every Monday. So obviously, that’s humans rationalizing their behavior about why they get started.

Winters are too cold. Summer’s too hot. Right? Spring is just right.

So you had some ideas on the topic. And then I have some ideas. I did some research and I saw this list of excuses that people use. Everything from as soon as I can afford to join a gym I’ll get started or I don’t have the right at-home equipment, or I don’t have enough time, it goes on and on and on. And the thing that hit me is really, the tomorrow trap. The problem? Or is it just another excuse? Another way to rationalize?

I’ve been thinking the same way and I understand what you’re saying. Is it just another excuse? It’s another excuse because I don’t think people are really grounded in the reason why they’re doing it, to begin with. I agree. If you want to lose another five pounds, that’s not good enough, if you want to fit into the wedding dress, that’s not good enough. You know, there was an old saying, a lot of people know that I was in financial planning for a while, right? The old saying was you can either put yourself on a budget or someone else will put you on a budget. In the fitness world, this is very real as well. You can either make time for exercise and eating right? Or you will make time for illness and doctor’s visits.

It’s the unfortunate truth. No matter how we try to describe it. And you know, Kevin, you’re not allowed to say those things. It’s a fact and we’ve known it for a long time. So yeah, I like your analogy, someone’s gonna put you on a budget, and it may be your spouse, it may be a close friend, it may be a doctor, it may be your kid if you’re our age, and your kids are getting old enough to, kind of go Hey Dad, holding a little extra. Right? You know, whatever.

I think you have to go to the fact that this is really deep, like, I really love myself, I’m not gonna have my spouse yell at me about losing five pounds, I’m not gonna have somebody else yell at me about losing five pounds, I’m not gonna have my doctor say your cholesterol is too high. I’m gonna really truly look at myself and go, I love myself. And what I want for myself 5-10 years from now is substantially higher than any of these other people could want. For me. That’s pretty heavy. 

Do you get that often? I just feel I’m feeling it. I’m going for it. I’m going forward. Good. I think that that’s the honest-to-goodness truth. And I don’t think that there’s a whole lot of people out there that really feel that way. And if you felt that way, and you had those written goals, and you start writing them down, losing five pounds is a subset of a goal. Can I try to see if I’m hitting my marker correctly?

You just put something in my head in a book I read recently. Can I tell a quick story? That’s what we’re here for. To your point of self-care. Most people when put on any kind of regimen by a doctor, they end up screwing it up. I don’t know the stats, but it’s most people. They miss a pill, they miss a day of exercise, they miss something. Those same people stick strictly speaking when they take their dog to the vet, and the vet says, The dog needs this pill every day. Guess what happens they never miss. Why would we care about our dog, our spouse, our mom, or someone else? You would be there for your mom? Absolutely when it’s for someone else. It’s almost biblical in a way, right? God says, love others as you do yourself. Well, if you don’t love yourself, it’s kind of hard to love others. It starts with I don’t want to be an invalid in 10 years. I don’t want to be a burden on other people in 10 years. I want to go out and I want to do it for myself. And when you start setting those goals of alright, what’s losing five pounds, you know by Easter? That is because it’s really a tracking mechanism. And that’s okay, but let’s go to the core the core is, I want to start tomorrow because I know I want to take care of myself. And I want to love myself. All right. That was passionate.

Alright, so maybe tomorrow, we should go into, how to not let things get in combat, life’s gonna throw stuff at you, how do we go back to the core of loving ourselves? How do we when we’re having a bad week and let’s say we only hit three out of the seven days of exercise. How do you not let that get in your way? Let’s get into people’s helmets and see if we can’t three out of seven. Giddy up. Ideas, thoughts, criticism. If you love the shirt, you can get one in our store. Shameful promotion and email us a Snackcast@yes.fit. We appreciate you tuning in. See you soon.

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