Podcast- Snack Cast

Kevin Remembers Lamb- Snack Cast Episode 35

Hey guys, welcome back. So we were doing a little series on common diets We talked about vegan, carnivore and I can’t remember if we did a third one or not.

Regardless yesterday was carnivore, and we talked about a situation where one person found more benefits in lamb. She removed a lot of her inflammation and autoimmune disease by eating predominantly lamb. So the subject came up and we stopped shooting. When I was born, I was allergic to literally everything. I could only eat lamb and water. I mean, those were the two items that I was not allergic to. Everything you were doing was experimental. I don’t know if that’s the right word. But therapies with the doctor down in Miami, right? Yeah, there was a doctor down in Miami, Douglas Sandburg, who is a University of Miami research facility physician, dating myself but 14 plus some odd years ago, he was doing that type of allergy testing which was really quote unquote, the top of the food chain.

So if I can back up just a little bit prior to this guy, all the doctors you were seeing basically gave your parents a thumbs down. He’s not going to be in good shape is what they basically said. Yeah. Like he’s out of luck. So when we first went to this Dr. my mom thought he was a quack. The first meeting was like, alright, what do you want him to eat? Deal with symptoms first. Not really, hey, let’s go try something, you’re gonna put them into anaphylactic shock. But I think it was like cheese. Basically what happened was, they would inject me with allergy shots in the arm. Not all were allergy shots. They would inject me with food, like a very small amount of food. And then they would wait 15 minutes, they would give you a little egg timer, wait 15 minutes, and you’d come back and you’d measure the reaction on your arm. And then they would give a smaller dose and a smaller dose and a smaller dose, all the way getting down to the point where you no longer reacted, that was the right amount of data, you could sustain. Then they would give that into an allergy shot that I would take once a week. And over time, your body got used to producing its own antibodies to fight any of the inflammation, any of the allergies that actually took place. I did that from the time I was probably one and a half to two years old to I would say 12 You know, weekly meetings, I would be there from like 8 am to 5 pm. That’s tough, man. That’s tough on a kid. 

As we were thinking about this, I was thinking about elimination diets. People that have all of these problems, if you do as that lady did, she went down to bare bones, to eating just lamb. But it was a process. I don’t know if she ever did build back up. I think lamb is all she eats.

Okay. So the question is, as you know, there is a lot going on behind the scenes if you have GERD, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, or anything. High blood pressure, there are tons of these, you know, is the first place you give me a pill or is the first place you look, what am I putting in my body? Obviously, I wouldn’t be here today if my mom had not reached out to this guy, we wouldn’t have figured it out. It was a lot of ups and downs. Weekly, eight-hour days are stressful. And at the end of an eight hour day where you’re injecting all these foreign substances into your body and my arm looked like a pin cushion and inflammation. I told Scott yesterday it really felt like at the end of the day, each week I had very early signs of a cold. You had that achy feeling like your body was just constantly trying to fight off something. But it gives your body the ammunition to fight. That’s amazing, man. I think the fascinating part is, is that your parents alone figured out lamb and whether there’s more to that. I think there’s a ton to that. 

I think an elimination diet is really where people need to start if they have chronic illnesses. We’ve talked about chronic illnesses a little bit, break it down, and start fresh. We will probably get into elimination diets next. So we did want to take this little trip down memory lane because, for Kevin, it became really personal. He was like, Oh my gosh, I forgot about this from my youth. And it was the only thing he could sustain. So we appreciate you guys tuning in. We’ll touch base on elimination later. 

Email us your ideas, thoughts, criticisms, and comments to Snackcast@yes.fit. We appreciate you tuning in. Stay moving.

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