Podcast- Snack Cast

Snacking – Check the Label! Snack Cast Episode 7

Welcome back to snack cast. We wanted to keep it to bite size bits of wellness, pull the curtain back give you something but we thought a good one would be, how should you snack? What’s the best way to snack? What are the best things to eat as snacks? We just kind of wanted to take today and touch on snacking right. We all get the cravings mid morning, mid afternoon, or before bed whatever it is. 

How do you snack in a healthy way and what’s probably the number one flaw we fall into when snacking.

Convenience. We go to what’s easy. We go to the cupboard we grab something out that we shouldn’t have it’s spontaneous. We didn’t plan for it.

We fall into our cravings. Oh, what I can really use right now is M&Ms or cinnamon Pop Tarts.

It’s either extra sweet, or extra salty. Those are the two and generally it’s a carb, but to your point of extra salty, unless you’re eating nuts. It’s probably potato chips or something like that.

Potato chips, Doritos, your chips, your sugars, your candies, all of those things. Those are the typically easy and quick  I probably have it in my cabinet,

Especially if you have kids like we do. I mean, there’s lunch foods all over the place. So how do you avoid going straight to the easy and the convenient?

For starters, I would say it’s planning, you basically plan out the snacks, the portion control what you’re going to have, you can have your little Tupperware setup for your salty items, your sweet items that follow along with whatever plan you’re on, if you’re on a ketogenic diet, obviously, you’re gonna have a certain set of snacks. If you’re, on a vegan diet, you’re gonna have a certain set of snacks caloric intake. It’s interesting, and I won’t declare that this is a healthy snack as much as it’s a known and controlled snack. But at our house, we get a thing of Nathan’s hot dogs from Sam’s Club, and we throw them in the smoker, and they make a good controlled low carb. Again, you can yell at me about the nitrates. Yeah, I mean, there’s things that aren’t great about it, but I think the known and controlled and satisfying in a way, you feel like you’re getting a snack.

I could throw so many other things under the bus,  other than your Nathan’s Hot Dog. The NutriGrain bar, knowing your packaging, your packaging is super important. Even drinks, should I have an orange juice? It sounds really healthy, but it’s not. What about a fruit salad? Do you know how much sugar is in a fruit salad? I’m not saying that fruits are bad but fruits should be very controlled because there’s a ton of sugars and lean towards the more antioxidant rich, nutrient dense, more natural, blueberries, raspberries that kind of stuff.

If it spoils, then it’s probably good for you. You’re telling me the protein bar that’s been on my desk for six months?That is probably still edible. That’s pure garbage. And not something that should even go down as food. It’s almost like bread these days. Right bread can sit on your countertop for six months now and not spoil. Throw that garbage away..

That’s a great point. It used to go bad in three days. Yeah, I mean, foods not food anymore. So know what’s in your food. Try to eat stuff that will spoil. Beef jerky is meat. You know, even small amounts of your meals that you can repackage. I think almonds are one of the better nuts and are really good for you know peanuts aren’t bad for you they’re just not maybe as clean as the others but definitely better than grabbing a bag of chips. 

And timing right – avoid the late night snacking if you can right before bed two hours before bed. That’s right before you’re about to go into a fasting state. You’re going to pump your body full of glucose that’s why they call a breakfast. You’re breaking a long term fast. Did you mean breakfast?

I mean, break fast. Yeah. It’s where it comes from.

Package up some stuff on the weekend and take it to the office with you. Right and so you know what you’re going to be snacking on? Know what’s in it, read the labels, read the labels is probably the most important, stay natural to your point of orange juice and watch for the sugar content. That’s probably the biggest thing to point out. We think it’s healthy, but it’s not.

 I went  off topic, but I was eating these mission tortillas and I’m trying to go gluten free as much as possible. And it was low carb and at the end of the day, I was pumping all kinds of gluten in my body. 

Take away is- Look at the label. And if it spoils, it’s probably really good for you.

That’s it today. Questions, comments, topics? Email us. snackcast@yes.fit. There’s no.com on the end. Keep moving.

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