Podcast- Snack Cast

Throw away the Scale! Snack Cast Episode 2

Good Morning, we’re ready to rock and roll, the next Snack Cast number 2, today we’re talking about the scale, the dreaded scale. 

That’s a subject for our family, in particular, I gotta tell you from my son who’s trying to gain weight to my wife who wants to lose weight, it’s a hot topic. I see the emotions in them rise and fall to what the scale has to say. I somehow wonder how we get to this point where some little device that’s working on the gravitational pull of our body to measure that, can have the effects it does. For your son, I would think, trying to gain weight. He’s trying to build muscle and be a better athlete. So it’s probably not a terrible tool for him. But on the weight loss front? It’s one of the worst. It’s the number one statistical measurement that we use, and it’s arguably the worst. 

I can think of a million different ways, that you can measure your waist, a tape measure, and other things. We’re beating it up already, right out of the gate? What are some of them? How is it that you think that a scale can give you feedback?

Positives? Well, if you use it as a long-term instrument to measure progress, along with a few other things. At the end of the day, it’s the measure of the gravitational pull on your muscle mass, your bone density, how much fat, how you’re holding water weight, I can tell you that, that I can fluctuate five pounds up and down all over the place, just depending on the time. And that’s the average human right. It’s five to five to 10. But it’s a decent judge of what’s going on, you know, currently in the moment. 

When was the last time you got out a tape measure? That’s hard lol .

Getting a consistent measurement with a tape measure, it’s difficult. Is it in the right spot? It can be a weird reinforcement in a positive manner. Maybe even a false prophecy, if you would write I did this, this, and this, and I dropped three pounds yesterday. It can be a weird reinforcement, even if it’s not accurate.

Accuracy is such a weird phrase to use in regard to the scale. I know that females generally will have hormonal shifts that the guys often don’t see that can drastically affect the scale, it can affect, water retention, and bloating. So, again, I think as a long-term measurement, among other measurements, I think it’s great. As a sole decider, I think it’s terrible.

I think there are some, unrealistic expectations that can be set with the scale. I mean, my goal is to lose, 40 pounds by Easter and I think that people set those expectations sometimes, rather than my goal is to eat under this caloric intake.

So let’s do this, it is a snack cast and we’re trying to keep these to five minutes. So if the scale is not a great arbiter, give me some advice, give me some tips to appropriately meet some fitness goals. If it includes weight loss, there are so many other things that go into exercise, and one of those is mental health. So it’s not just about weight loss, it’s stress, going to the gym, exercising helps reduce stress, it’s not just weight loss it’s in sleeping better. 

So I wouldn’t say just set out a plan to hit the gym, obviously, consumption plays into that, you can’t eat poorly. I would say if I could tell people to use one base measurement for how they’re going, it would be  How do your clothes fit? That’s huge! 

The number on the scale is just this random. not random, but you know It’s not consequential to what you’re trying to do. How do your clothes fit? That’s a great one. So what’s on tap for tomorrow? I know that really ran by fast what’s on tap for tomorrow?

Tomorrow we’re gonna talk about self-talk. And specifically, maybe not just self-talk. It’s negative talk, how people talk to you how you talk to yourself how it’s perceived. So, our five minutes is up. Love you, guys. See you tomorrow.

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