Podcast- Snack Cast

Welcome to Snack Cast Episode 1

All right, welcome to our first edition of snack cast. It’s a bite sized pieces of information under five minutes or so in a podcast and we think it’s gonna be very cool.

We’re gonna aim for daily episodes. The long form podcasts, they’re difficult to kind of find the time to consume, but we thought if we can just hit everybody with five minutes a day, it would have some good information for you to have. Clearing up information, especially around fitness and wellness. I mean, we will hit everything from dieting, fads, fitness, stretching, seed oils, gluten and who knows what, just hot trending topics. We know there’s a lot of information out there.

And what we don’t want to do is is put our opinions on you like this is gospel, this is this is fact. We’re here to throw our opinion out of what we believe to be true. And what we see, and then throw it back in your camp to do your own research, pull the pull the curtain back a little bit. I think Kevin and I both are in the camp, that there’s so much not to use the phrase misinformation out there. I think commonly speaking, people think that exercise is the number one way to lose weight. And while very important at the end of the day weight loss generally comes down to the kitchen. We want to give you guys food for thought to kind of chew on and run with and see where it leads you.

Maybe it helps you down in your fitness journey. There might be some weird things that you may or may not know about a variety of different topics. And one of the really cool things is we’re going to be taking suggestions on a on a pretty daily basis, here is the email information. It’s snackcast@yes.fit.

Whatever your concepts, ideas, you want clarity on, a little more information, just email them there, we probably will not correspond with that email address. So you may not hear back from us. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to take all those topics, so that what you guys hear is what you want to hear the questions you’ve gotten. And I think we’re actually going to do a fishbowl at some point. And we’ll start loading them up in there, and we’ll pull one out, and we’ll see what the next day’s conversation is going to be. Kevin and I don’t want to speak for our IQ levels, but we’re gonna try and be prepared and come with relevant information.

Again, kind of sifting through all the nonsense, and we’re very passionate about a lot of topics. Again, it’s take it for what it is. And the the reason for calling it snack cast is obviously bite sized information of funny, we have some advisors who give us guidance, and they thought, hey, is that the best title for the five? Wellness? Because snack has a negative connotation. But snacking can be good for you if done correctly. We can turn that around. That’s if taken correctly. It’s good for you. So that’s what we want this to be, information that can be taken correctly and can help you out. So on our first agenda will be tomorrow, and we will start with a good one.

Everything to do with the scale and weight loss. Should you be measuring with the scale? What does it mean? Why the scale can be good, and can be bad, it can be almost consuming in a way. We just want to kind of touch base on that. And kind of our own experiences I guess with the scale and not only mine and Kevin’s but of course we have lives that you know have their own journeys with the scale. And hopefully we’re not throwing them under the bus.

All right, so the email again is snackcast@yes.fit, send us your ideas, whatever you got, we’ll address all those topics hopefully in a relevant way see you guys tomorrow.


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