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Accountability Wrap Up – Snack Cast Episode 49

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Accountability Wrap Up - Snack Cast Episode 49

Hey, welcome back. Yes, welcome back. So today, we’re just going to kind of wrap up the mini-series, we have been on: motivation and accountability.

Little summary. I think one of the first points we were trying to make is excuses. I could use an analogy here, but I’ll probably not. The thing is excuses. How easy do you want to allow yourself to? To give in? You wake up in the morning, I’m exhausted. I don’t feel like going. I don’t want to do this. Everybody feels them. Everybody goes through them. It’s a matter of whether or not you literally have it in your bones to go. It demands an honest self-assessment. Are you blowing smoke up your own butt? And you’re just choosing not to? Do you really want to achieve the goals that you set out for yourself? You have to be diligent.

A plan certainly helps with that, right? We’ve talked about that a little bit, setting yourself up on a plan that also allows you the no-excuses angle to go after it and go. Today is not a written rest day, I have to get up and I have to go out. So you have that plan of attack, what days you’re working out, what days you’re eating, right? What days you’re trying to achieve your goals? The plan actually helps you define what you’re trying to accomplish. 

Gosh, man, this resonates into so much. We talked about how you develop software, and how if you don’t know where you’re trying to go, there’s no map that’s going to help you get there. And that leads to one of the other points we spoke about, which is knowing what the goal is. If you’re simply trying to improve your activity, because you’re watch is telling you that you’re not closing your circle every day. Write it down. I’m gonna close my circle four days a week. Specifically, these are the four days I’m going to do it again that when you’re exhausted on Tuesday morning, and you go I don’t want to get up. You know, you have to because you are accountable to yourself. You’ve written it in your little journal. Yeah, today is a workout day period end a story there is no option I’m not talking about like, you really don’t feel good. I’m talking about the only person your cheating is yourself. Oh, that’s deep.

So you got the plan. A goal. Now to monitor the goal. At the end of the week, you look back and feel proud. These are the activities I did this week. You alluded to your watch, do it for you, you beat last week by X number of calories. I mean, those are cool. But it’s also nice for you to look back on yourself and go, Hey, I had a really good week or I had a really good month. And part of that we talked about yesterday with the whole planning and the goal setting and even having a buddy is, is having an end date. Nobody sticks to their plan indefinitely. Nobody, you get bored, you get tired. If you commit to six weeks, I’m gonna do this for six weeks, then I’m gonna take a week off, maybe two weeks off, but have a plan, have a goal have an end date, so that you have a chance to reflect on how you did? It’s human nature, people get bored. They join Orangetheory and work hard for 90 days and then there fried (not picking on Orangetheory). It’s why people then turn around and buy a peloton, they get exhausted doing the same thing. They get bored, they get tired. They don’t have a plan, right?

So the last thing I really want to touch on, which I think is probably one of the most important is having that accountability partner, the running buddy, the walking buddy, whatever you want to call it. That was what we hit most on yesterday. Sharing your journal with them and going, Hey, this is what I’m being held accountable for, This is the plan. It can be a trainer. It can be someone who’s not directly involved in that activity with you. But I like it when there’s somebody else that’s trying to reach that goal as well, even their own goal, but you’re holding each other accountable. And it’s not just the hammer fist beating you up, you know? 

Looking back to wrap up this series, check your excuses at the door, be diligent, be honest with yourself, have a plan, and a goal, and get a better running buddy. If you do those things chances of success are high. They grow exponentially. Yeah, I agree.

So any idea what we’re going to touch on next? I think I want to go into more of a running walking series or either that we’ll talk about maybe planning out your first 5k would be kind of cool. I think we would be good to go in those directions we have. We have a lot to cover. So we’re like scratching the surface of fitness, which is awesome.

Yeah. All right. That’s it guys. Questions, comments, criticisms, compliments, whatever. Email us at We appreciate you tuning in. Stay moving

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