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Funny Diets – Snack Cast Episode 40

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Funny Diets - Snack Cast Episode 40

Welcome back to snack cast. So we’re nearing the end of our kind of diet 101 series, whatever you want to call it. And Kevin actually had a really good idea. He wanted to talk about some of the fun, fad comical diets that various people have promoted. Some of them are so wacky and they’ve become mainstream. And you’re going oh, it’s stuff that celebrities are doing and it’s like how did this happen? I don’t know. I guess they need to fit in their gown for you know, the red carpet or whatever. Some of the diets are off the wall but they are some of them have a little bit of science.

So grapefruit diet. The grapefruit diet involves grapefruit juice or eating like half a grapefruit at every meal. They say there’s something in the grapefruit that helps. Probably going along with that sour taste that helps burn calories faster. Nonsense.

The cabbage soup diet, this one probably actually has a little bit of reality to it. You basically restrict yourself to cabbage soup for 7 to 10 days. That probably does wonders on the intestines. Oh my gosh, my wife would move me out of the house. People say you get full when you eat cabbage soup. I think they say you can lose 10 pounds in 10 days. That’s probably not one you could stick with but it works.

This one man went mainstream, the chocolate diet, and literally millions of people follow it. They either had chocolate shakes or chocolate at every meal. Was that all you ate? With your meal, it was like a lower calorie restriction but then the chocolate helps satiate you or something crazy, right? So wrong.

The coconut diet This one actually has validity to it. It’s not coconuts per se. It’s replacing a lot of the oils in your food, which we’ve talked about, with coconut oil. I think that Prevention Magazine did a study on it and they claimed that people who were very good at consuming Coconut Oil all the time were less likely to have health issues. I believe that there is some science behind it. To your point, we did the podcast on oils.

The peanut butter diet is very similar. Peanut butter is very filling and tastes great. Again, it swaps out for some of the oils. It’s not just peanut butter. It’s peanut oil. 

So you want the really wacky ones? Oh, I got a couple. Yeah, go ahead. Did you see the cotton ball diet? No, I did not. I don’t know if it’s before every meal or in replacement of every meal. Buddy the Elf would be all over that one. You dip a cotton ball in orange juice and swallow. Oh man, pass on that. Yeah, it’s probably one of those old-school things, that 50-100 years ago when cotton balls were actually made of cotton. Maybe your body can handle that but today I think cotton balls are almost completely plastic. 

All right, I got one not recommended. The tapeworm diet. They actually had you swallow tapeworms. And then the parasites went to work on all the calories rather than you and then they cleaned them out. But again, what’s it also stealing your data? First of all, nobody wants to throw worms in their body but the second thing is it’s also stealing nutrients. Right, it’s a starvation diet. Yeah, but it doesn’t allow you to eat right.

Sleeping Beauty diet. What was that? Oh, made popular by Elvis Presley. For real. If you can get a crooked doctor to sedate you for days in a row. I guess you can’t eat when you’re sleeping? You can’t eat you can’t binge eat. So yeah, this is called the Sleeping Beauty diet. Oh geez, man. That’s crazy. 

The sun diet. This isn’t really a diet. All your nutrients come from the sun and that’s all you need. We know that the sun and vitamin D is very beneficial. I think you can tell that Kevin and I at some level live in Florida. But really you’re just fasting on this diet. 

All right,  you got any more? Ah, not really. Well, there was The Lemonade Diet that, I guess Hollywood made popular for a while. I think like for 24 or 48 hours you drank lemon juice with water. I assume maple syrup and cayenne pepper. And you’re supposed to have six glasses a day? Well, I mean, same thing, right? It’s calorie restriction at some level of fasting. It’s all nonsense at the end of the day. You either control what you eat, or how much you eat. Did you ever have a friend or a loved one that actually did one of those wacky diets?

Man, I had a buddy of mine and I’m gonna throw him under the bus if you’re out there, Mike. Mike went on the potato diet. Nothing but potatoes and he loaded them up. What do you load them with? Like, well loaded. loaded baked potato. So bacon and cheese and butter and sour cream. I could do that diet. Yeah, that would be lovely. My heart would be like alright, I think we’re good. 

Basically, do your homework. Find something that works for you. I think the next podcast we’re just going to kind of recap. Yeah, we’ll recall the different diets we touched on. Alright. Sounds good.

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