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Fast food What do you eat when you are on a time crunch Ep.24

Fast food What do you eat when you are on a time crunch Ep.24-blog-image
Fast food?? What do you eat when you are on a time crunch? -Snack Cast Episode 24

We have a special episode today that I’m gonna do a fancy voice for we call it a real-world scenario. This is like a secret snack cast because I’m not in the loop. He’s putting me on the spot. So here’s what I want to do. Think about the real things that happen in the daily course of our lives. Whether we’re loosely focused on wellness, not focused on wellness at all, or hyper-focused. There are hurdles, there are real-world scenarios, we run into. I thought it’d be fun to hit you with one out of the blue. Hit me with a shot. Here’s the deal. Kevin’s kid, his oldest, is a baseball player. That brings a fairly hectic schedule with it. So here’s the scenario. The game is over or practices or whatever. Seven, eight o’clock at night. You’re heading home. And Noah’s like, Dad, I’m really hungry. And you’re like, okay, what do you want to eat? I haven’t had dinner either. And Noah wants Chick-fil-A. I think it’s a scenario we all can kind of connect with.

I gotta go somewhere that maybe doesn’t have the offerings I would choose. You’re in the car. You’re headed to Chick-fil-A. It’s late at night. What are you going to order? What’s your goal? Real-world? Do you just say I don’t care? Have I been good? Have I not been good? Because that’s what people do. They start to overanalyze. If I’ve been really good with my diet and exercise, for like the last seven days or so and really staying off the gluten. I might be going, I’m getting a 12-piece, large french fry and sweet tea or diet Lemonade.

I might go that route. But what if I have not been so good in the gluten camp? I guess it’s even crazy that we’re talking this way. But this is what people do, they are on a really good streak, and then all of a sudden, I’ve been good all week. I deserve it. I deserve a treat. So if I wasn’t good, or if I wasn’t in the zone. I would probably just do the large fry and the diet lemonade because the french fries have no gluten. So is that the angle? I’m going to get something in my stomach, that there’s no gluten in.

I imagine there’s some element of calorie restriction in that it’s obviously high in calories. It’s not really good for you, but for me, what’s important is not necessarily the calorie intake, it would probably be the carbs and the gluten. Obviously, french fries have a ton of carbs. So, I guess that goes back to what we were saying, what’s important to you with where you’re at right now? What are your current goals? How many miles am I from home? If I’m three hours from home, or this is an all day baseball affair, then I’m probably going to eat, I probably have to eat. 

So let me ask you a question. Do you even consider what the next day holds? Like, I’ve packed a lunch for tomorrow and I know I’m going to eat pretty clean or I’ve got a hectic day that’s probably going to involve more fast-food opportunities. I most certainly consider that. In fact, I probably actually try to justify it. That’s probably what most people do. Say I’ll be good tomorrow or I’ll fast all day tomorrow. And then the next day I’m starving at noon. Tomorrow is always easier, right? Yeah, tomorrow is always tomorrow.

Should you have outlined the month in advance and even in your own brain a goal, like I’m going to be really good this month or I’m going to be really good this week, maybe that sets you up a little bit easier for the challenges that you face. Because it’s everywhere. People are stressed for time. Even if I did have food at home, which is a big if, we run through food at our house, like it’s going out of style. So even if I did have food at home, by the time I get home, now I gotta make dinner at eight o’clock at night. I might be eating at nine o’clock at night. What’s worse, eating at nine o’clock at night or eating a carb at eight?

That’s the angle here, to talk about real-world scenarios. Maybe next time we’ll talk about when the guys at the office want to grab a drink after work. We’ll figure it out. Okay, sounds good. Send us your ideas to or the Facebook group and keep moving. 

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