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Overcoming Negative Talk! Snack Cast Episode 3

Overcoming Negative Talk! Snack Cast Episode 3

Hey guys, welcome back to the snack cast with Scott and Kevin.

So what’s the topic for today?

It’s negative talk. But there are really two types of negative talk. There’s self-talk and then there’s talk that others talk about you and what they perceive, which can be incredibly damaging, as we all know. Why don’t we start with self-talk?

Negative self-talk is that talk that comes from within and that you will never improve, you’re never good enough. That negative self-talk, could have been given to you by your parents, or given to you by a sibling, it could be just through your experiences over the years.

Bad relationships, bad significant others who knows?

But it’s transferred from them to you.  I had great parents growing up, and they were always positive, good feedback. And it really does something cool, it transfers from them over to you, to where they’re no longer the person that’s saying, “Hey, you’re gonna do great things.” But you start talking about how you’re going to do great.

Let’s talk about that. There was a study where they took two different plants. They took, I think it was maybe a kindergarten, first, and second-grade class. And over a period of time, they were instructed to talk to two separate plants. You can look this up on YouTube, it’s all over the place. One of the plants wilted over whatever that time period was, and the other plant flourished. And the only difference was the nature of the language used in those plays. Sounds bizarre, I get it, it’s very interesting. But literally, the plant reacted to negative talk,

One plant was thriving, and the other plant was, drooping down and wilting, it was really crazy. And the same environment, but talk can come from you, and it can come from others that don’t know you, and it can come from others that know you. So why is it important? We alluded to the plant study. But there are also human studies done that when people talk positively to themselves, they tend to achieve their goals. It’s why you have Marines slogans, it’s why you have slogans outside the Notre Dame locker room. Do great things today because people want that feedback of “man, I did something really good.”

There are actually even services right, that you can sign up for and get your daily positive affirmation.

What was the mental one that we saw?

I mean, I’m gonna draw blank, quick

Cope notes. Gary gets mad and it was more to guess the gentleman had some mental issues. He had his own demons. Well, he created a place to put notes all over his computer screen and said positive feedback. 

He put them where he brushed his teeth. He put them all over inside his car.

He said, I know, it’s stupid. I know, I created these notes. But he said, the feeling that I got from looking at these notes every day was a very powerful and positive feedback loop. That’s something you can do. Set up little bite-size affirmations, if you would, on a daily basis, I’m gonna hit the gym today, I’m gonna go for a one mile walk, I’m gonna get my sneakers on. And when you achieve these things, reward yourself with positive feedback.

 I guess what you’re getting at is you really just have to be proactively in front of setting positive affirmations for yourself. And really, learning to manage the potentially toxic relationships you do have

And especially those! You hit on those toxic relationships. Do you know why? Why did others give you negative talk,  they desperately don’t want you to succeed and when you succeed, that shines an even bigger light on them. That’s actually a very deep psychology of people not wanting to be left behind that’s a whole other discussion. It is and I think that’s for another day. They want to pull you down with them, so as not to be left behind

Stay positive, stay moving, and stay tall. Remember to talk to yourself in a kind fashion. 

Ignore the noise

Remember any ideas you have send them to We’ll read them all. We will make them part of our daily five minutes. Take care guys!

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